Leider kann der AStA nicht direkt bei der Wohnungssuche helfen.
Hierfür empfehlen wir das Housing Office
Falls du jedoch kleinere Unterstützung brauchst, kann dir unser Referat Soziales vielleicht helfen. Melde dich hierfür unter soziales@asta-htw.de
Unfortunately, the AStA cannot help directly with the search for accommodation.
For this we recommend the Housing Office
However, if you just need a little help, our Social Affairs Department may be able to help you. Please contact us at soziales@asta-htw.de
Zunächst gibt es die allgemeinen Immobilienseiten. Dort findest du vermutlich die größte Auswahl.
Please note that these sites might not provide a ideal english experience. If you have problems due to this, please don’t hesitate to reach out to use for expanded help.
First, there are the general real estate sites. You will probably find the largest selection there.
The last option is social media groups / marketplaces. These can vary wildly and the language used there can also be very colloquial.
As an example, here are two Facebook groups: